in technical alpha testing, Heroes of the Storm (previously known as Blizzard
All-Stars) is Blizzard's newest franchise, a free-to-play MOBA (or ARTS if you
prefer) in the style of DotA and League of Legends featuring an all-star cast
from the Diablo, StarCraft and Warcraft universes. Unfortunately, Blizzard has
yet to announce an open beta or release date for the game, but we were lucky
enough to be invited to a hands-on session.
For the
uninitiated, a quick intro into the world of MOBAs. Before the genre had a
name, there was only Defense of the Ancients (DotA), a mod of Warcraft III,
which gained attention for its quick-paced action play. Unlike a traditional
RTS where players gathered resources and built units, in DotA each player
controlled just a single hero unit, which could be leveled up and equipped with
powerful items. The objective of the game was to destroy the opponents'
Ancient, a heavily guarded structure on the opposite side of the map. Following
the success of DotA, a few new games quickly entered the market, including
League of Legends and the Valve-created DotA 2. While the genre had previously
been referred to simply as 'DotA' a more appropriate title was now needed. Two
competing acronyms seemed to gain popularity: MOBA, or Multiplayer Online
Battle Arena, and the Gabe Newell-championed ARTS, or Action Real Time Strategy
(owing to the genre's RTS roots as a mod of Warcraft III). For the
most part, MOBA seems to have won out, although interestingly, Blizzard has not
been using that term for Heroes of the Storm, preferring instead "Hero
It's not
surprising that Blizzard would want to make a DotA-style game, considering the
global success of the MOBA genre, and the fact that the original DotA scenario
began life as a mod created on Blizzard's own Warcraft III world editor. But
Blizzard isn't the type to just recreate DotA or League of Legends and call it
a day. In fact, other than keeping to the same core objective of destroying the
enemy's base, Heroes of the Storm doesn't have much in common with either DotA
or LoL at all. And you know what, that's actually a good thing.
Live and
Die as a Team
Heroes of
the Storm pits two teams of five against each other each aiming to destroying
the enemy's fortress. Rather than individual hero levels, experience is shared
and distributed across the entire team, meaning you can't race ahead or fall
behind the rest of your allies. This gives newer players an easier time picking
up the game as they can follow their teammates around, learning the ropes and
still level up and be a contributing factor. It also means that teamwork is
crucial - one player suicide charging into the enemy several times will just
end up leveling up the entire opposing team, which can quickly snowball into a
very one-sided contest.

experience is shared, lessening the impact of one-man heroics, and emphasizing
cooperation and working together.
There's no
gold to worry about and no vendor to buy items from. In fact, the only
character advancement in-game is from selecting new talents and abilities at
various levels. As a result, the action tends to be quicker to get going, with
heroes immediately diving into the fray rather than grinding on minions to earn
enough gold to buy their basic starting items. In fact, games on a whole tend
to be much faster, with most averaging about 15-20 minutes.
Right now
there are 23 heroes available to play, with 13 more due to be added shortly.
The list of heroes is a greatest hits selection from Blizzard's three
franchises and finally offers fans the chance to pit the likes of Raynor and
Kerrigan against Arthas and Diablo. Having said that, some picks do seem a bit
off. I mean, how many people actually know who Gazlowe is? (Answer: he's the
goblin boss of Ratchet, a neutral settlement located in Eastern Barrens in
Warcraft). A rotating roster of six heroes is available to play for free each
week, while the rest of the cast have to be unlocked with in game currency
(gold), which is earned after each game by completing achievements, or bought
with cash in the in-game store.

is a bargain at only 2000 gold. That's a lot of beard for your coin!

can also buy extra skins for each hero. Our favorite is Diablo's murloc outfit,
Each hero
falls into one of four subcategories: Assassin, Warrior, Support and
Specialist, although you can basically think of them as DPS (both melee and
ranged), Tank, Healer and Other. The Specialist category is the most
interesting as it includes heroes that play quite differently from the rest of
the cast. Sgt. Hammer, for example, is essentially a Terran Siege Tank from
StarCraft II, and can be played as a ranged DPS if you prefer, but her real
strength is that she's the best hero in the game for long-ranged structure
damage thanks to her Siege Mode ability.

classes tend to be the hardest to play well, but can be game changers in the
right hands.
The most
intriguing specialist is probably Zerg evolutionist Abathur, who is pretty much
completely useless at attacking enemy players directly - he also falls over if
you so much as look at him. But Abathur's strengths lie in buffing other
players and causing chaos with his ability to spawn a swarm of supporting
locust minions out of the ground. His ultimate ability lets him clone an allied
hero and use their ultimate ability - knowing the strengths and weaknesses of
the rest of your team's classes is vital to using Abathur effectively. He's a
character that couldn't exist without HotS's shared experience mechanic, but in
the right hands can completely change the flow and outcome of a game.
At the
start of the game, and again upon hitting various levels, players are given the
option to select a talent choice - most are passive upgrades or ability
modifiers and offer the chance to specialize your hero. You can even steer your
hero towards a different role, for example, warrior classes can opt for
improved defense traits or pick increased damage skills to function more as a
hybrid tank/dps. Each hero also gets to choose one of two ultimate abilities
upon hitting level 10. You can only choose one ultimate, and there are no
talent resets, so you'll be stuck with it for the rest of the game.
Along with
their own individual abilities, all heroes have access to a mount, which lets you
travel faster (but is automatically dismissed upon entering combat) and a
hearthstone, which lets you teleport back to your home base. Strangely, the
mounts are not hero appropriate as everyone starts off on a brown horse,
resulting in some quite comical pairings. Poor Diablo's tiny horse looks ready
to collapse under the Prime Evil's gargantuan bulk.

charges into battle on his fearsome steed - a brown horse.
If a horse
isn't your thing, the in-game store also has other mounts, including a rainbow
unicorn that we saw listed for the hefty price of US$19.99.

actually one of the ugliest unicorns we've ever seen...
Collect Doubloons
2. Turn in Doubloons
3. Win
2. Turn in Doubloons
3. Win

loading screen of each map gives an overview of what to do.
Heroes of
the Storm is all about map objectives. Ignoring the objective and trying to
rush your way into the enemy fortress is a sure-fire way to level up the
opposing team. Four maps are currently available - Dragon Shire,
Blackheart's Bay, Haunted Mines, and Cursed Hollow - each with their own
objective. For example, in Dragon Shire, capturing and holding both the Sun and
Moon shrines will summon the powerful Dragon Knight to fight for your team.
Objectives respawn fairly frequently and the map announcer will tell all
players when the objective is going to spawn, as well as its location(s). As a
result, there's a nice rhythm to each game as it goes between traditional
phases of offensive push and defensive retreat, to all-out battle royales over
the all-important objective.

over objectives often turn into all out 5 vs 5 battle royales as players rush
to its location.
To make
objectives even more important, each team's base is guarded by a number of
towers armed with cannons that can quickly slaughter even a high level hero.
Each tower also has a gate that completely stops the opposing team from
crossing it unless first destroyed. As a result, you can't really chase down an
enemy hero retreating into the safety of his own base. Certain objectives
however will give you a massive advantage against the opposing team's defenses
- for example, in the Cursed Hollow map, collecting three tributes will
inflict the Raven Curse on the enemy team, which will neutralize all enemy
towers and reduce all enemy minions to 1HP for one minute, providing your team
a window of opportunity to rush the enemy base.

towers will prevent enemy pursuit and allow you to defend from behind the
safety of your own walls.

summoned objective NPCs like the Haunted Mine's Grave Golem can make quick work
of defenses.
Along with
map objectives, scattered around the map are mercenary camps. Defeating the
camps will secure the mercenaries' loyalties, letting them fight for your side.
Some mercenaries are very powerful, and can easily swing the game in your
favor. Overall, controlling the map is far more important in HotS than other
MOBAs, and the momentum swing provided by capturing the objective far outweighs
any individual player kills.

dotted around the map can be 'persuaded' into joining your cause, as long as
you can defeat them.
The maps
themselves are well thought out, and suit their objectives quite nicely. Dragon
Shire and Cursed Hollow are all about controlling certain parts of the map at
the right time and, as a result, are larger and more complex maps. Blackheart's
Bay and Haunted Mines require you to collect more resources around the map than
your opponent and are therefore smaller, with more tunnels and narrow pathways
to funnel you into conflict.
If there's
one downside to the importance of map objectives is that it might be impossible
to win without good communication. While this may seem like a good thing,
jumping into a random matchmaking party online could be a lesson in
frustration. The chat window is small and other than pinging the map there's
not much else you can do to share strategy with your team. Voice communication
is almost a must-have, and pretty much any pre-made team with decent
communication will steamroll a random group that can only communicate via text.
World of Warcraft does have its own in-game voice communication, but hardly
anyone uses it thanks to the popularity of Ventrilo and TeamSpeak - still, it
might be time for Blizzard to have another look at in-game voice communication
for HotS.
Friendly Doesn't Mean Casual
HotS feels very different from DotA and LoL. People have been calling it casual
friendly, and it's certainly easier for new players to get into, but we
wouldn't necessarily call it a casual game. There's just as much, if not more,
strategy involved in using your hero correctly, and some heroes like Abathur
require an entirely different playstyle to anything we've seen in DotA or LoL.
Games tend to be shorter due to map objectives funneling players into combat,
but we loved that its almost always possible for a losing team to quickly
regain the advantage with a big momentum swing upon capturing a crucial

If there's
one thing that needs to improve, it's in-game communication. With so much
emphasis put on teamwork, there's a definite lack of tools provided to
facilitate that teamwork. At its best, Heroes of the Storm is a frantic battle
of ebb and flow, pitting Blizzard's best characters against each other in a
team-based, strategic conflict. At its worse, it's a bunch of strangers
charging headlong into each repeatedly until someone accidentally captures an
objective and the ensuing NPC destroys the opposing team's base.
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